Mitch G. Sobel, BS Pharm, RPh, MAS, FASHP, CPGx – Director of National Accounts, CutisPharma, Inc., and Shama Patel, PharmD, Medical Affairs Specialist from Azurity Pharmaceuticals have created a Gap Analysis for the compounding arena. These tools will aide fellow pharmacists and technicians to break down the various sections of USP <795> and <800> compounding space with referenced citations for their documentation and compliance ease.

The Gap Analysis Worksheets (accessible by clicking on the PDF links, above) are easy to use and provide check-off boxes to organize the areas of compliances and deficiencies to document and act on. These combined sheets provide an excellent mechanism to provide documentation to organizations’ Pharmacy, Quality, and Risk Management Departments, as well as documentation of compliance and actions for federal and state regulatory agencies.

Mitch and Shama are passionate about serving their community of peers and patients alike to help achieve optimum patient-care outcomes.

For more information, please visit