February 3, 2021

Anaphylaxis, Mortality
Rates Remain Low for
COVID-19 Vaccines

Pharmacists can provide solid reassurance to nervous recipients of either COVID-19 vaccine. The safety data is looking better than expected, with rates of anaphylaxis lower than first anticipated and no safety signals related to mortality risk. Here is more information. 


Metformin Appears Protective Against Some, But Not All, Breast Cancer Types

While women with type 2 diabetes are at generally higher risk of breast cancer, taking metformin appears to mitigate that, at least for the estrogen-positive type, according to a new study. Find out why researchers believe that metformin could be protective against some types of breast cancer, including the most common one. 

Full-Dose Heparin Appears Safe, Beneficial for Moderately Ill
COVID-19 Inpatients

While routine use of full-dose heparin was not found beneficial and was possibly harmful in severely ill COVID-19 patients in the ICU, a very different result occurred in moderately ill patients who were hospitalized, according to preliminary results. Researchers suggest those patients, who do not require critical care or vital organ support, might benefit from more aggressive anticoagulation. Here are more details.


U.S. Cost of Brand-Name Drugs More Than Triple of Many
Other Countries

A new RAND Corporation survey offers both bad and good news about how U.S. drug pricing compares to the rest of the world. While the costs of brand-name drugs might be triple or more in the United States, generic medications—which are most commonly dispensed—actually cost less overall in comparison to 32 other nations. Find out the specifics. 

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