June 9, 2021

Pharmacists Should Expect to Administer COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters by Fall

Pharmacists won’t be putting down their syringes any time soon. Growing evidence suggests that, even before initial COVID-19 vaccine doses are provided to all age groups, booster shots will be available in the autumn for those who were immunized earlier in the year. Here is more information. 


CGM Improves Glucose Levels, Reduces Hypoglycemia
in T2D Patients

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) has become standard care for type 1 diabetes patients because it improves glucose control. But what about type 2 diabetes patients who use insulin and have incidences of hypoglycemia? Find out what a new study determined about CGM use in that cohort. 

Here’s Why Breast-Cancer Patients Aren’t Adhering to Endocrine Therapy

Adherence rates aren’t always high when breast cancer patients are prescribed long-term endocrine therapy. A pharmacy school sought to determine why and came up with factors that most appear to influence breast cancer patients’ decisions about medications. Here are more details. 


Pandemic Had Dramatic Effect on Care for
Prostate-Cancer Patients

Pharmacists might be working long hours trying to combat COVID-19 now, but the war is likely to continue even after the current battles are won. Evidence is mounting that persistent viral symptoms, as well as the consequences of delayed care for other conditions, will challenge healthcare professionals for years to come. As an example, find out how sharply access to care for prostate cancer declined during the peak of the pandemic. 

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