CDC Guidance on Quicker Work Return Should Ease Healthcare Staff Shortages
Like everywhere else, pharmacies have been put in a bind by the lengthy quarantine periods for staff who either have confirmed COVID-19 or have been exposed to it. That has especially been a problem with the Omicron variant. Now, new CDC guidelines are expected to provide some relief by easing staffing shortages among healthcare workers. Read more.
Community Pharmacists Grapple With Veterinary Prescription Errors
These days, pharmacists are filling prescriptions for every Tom, Dick, and Fido. With increases in pet ownership, more human pharmacies also are filling veterinary prescriptions. Community pharmacies are expected to feel the effect of that increase, according to a new study. Find out why a new study warns about higher than usual error rates with those scripts. Read more.
AHA Statement Reassuring About Safety of BP Treatment in Pregnancy
Controversy has raged for years about whether and when to treat pregnant women with high blood pressure, especially since the condition can have a serious effect on both mother and child. Now, a new AHA scientific statement suggests the therapy is safe and should begin at lower thresholds than previously thought. Read more.
Antibiotics, Not Surgery, for Uncomplicated Appendicitis Now Routine
For most patients presenting with appendicitis, prescribing antibiotics is as effective as surgery—at least initially. That is according to a new review that suggests that antibiotics can successfully treat up to 70% of cases. Recent studies point out that a nonsurgical approach can now be considered a routine option. Find out who should and shouldn't receive antibiotics instead of surgery. Read more.