February 23, 2022 

COVID-19 Vaccine Improves Mental Health, Not Just Immunity

Here’s an added benefit pharmacists can promote when urging uptake of COVID-19 vaccines: A shot can boost psychological well-being by as much as 25%. That’s according to a new study finding that vaccination was linked to declines in stress and perceived risks of infection, hospitalization, and death. Here are more details.


Actual Prevalence of Statin Intolerance Worldwide Is Less Than 10%

As many as half of patients taking statins complain that they are intolerant to the drugs because of muscle pain or other issues. But how likely is that to be true? A new international study suggests that cases tend to be overestimated, and that the actual prevalence is less than 10%. Find out how that was determined using a meta-analysis of studies involving more than 4 million patients.

Estrogen Supplementation in Older Women Linked to Lower Mortality Risk From COVID-19

Higher estrogen levels in postmenopausal women are associated with a lower risk of death from COVID-19, according to a new study that says the findings might explain why women appear to be more protected from severe outcomes than men. Find out why the authors also raise the question of whether estrogen supplements should be given to older women who contract SARS-CoV-2 infection.


Beware of a Drop in Blood Levels of Antiepileptics in Pregnant Women

Pharmacists might have observed that pregnant women tend to have more breakthrough seizures than before conception. A new study helps explain why: Blood levels of many common antiepileptic medications drop significantly with the onset of pregnancy. The researchers urge careful monitoring and the consideration of prescribing higher doses. Here is more information.

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