August 17, 2022 

Polypharmacy, Inappropriate Drugs Increase Frailty in Blood Cancer Patients

In a study linking polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medications to frailty in blood cancer patients, researchers determined that—compared with robust patients—frail and prefrail patients were more likely to be taking benzodiazepines, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or corticosteroids. The authors developed a new scale of drugs potentially harmful to older patients. Read more.


Increased Risks for Some Conditions in Children Who Recovered From COVID-19

Conditions that usually are rare or uncommon in children and adolescents appear to be linked to prior COVID-19 infection, according to a new CDC study. Find out how much greater the risks were for acute pulmonary embolism, myocarditis, and cardiomyopathy, as well as other conditions, including type 1 diabetes, after a bout of Sars-C0V-2 infection. The authors explained how their results argue for higher vaccination rates.

ASHP Calls for Pharmacists' Ordering, Administering of Monkeypox Vaccines

Should pharmacists be allowed to order and administer vaccines against monkeypox? A key pharmacy group makes that argument in a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services secretary. The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) maintains that pharmacists could vaccinate a large number of at-risk people quickly and efficiently. It is crucial to receive the vaccine in a timely manner. Read more.


Some Groups Reluctant to Receive COVID-19 Boosters This Fall

While some groups—especially older patients—are ready to roll up their sleeves to get modified COVID-19 booster vaccines this fall, pharmacists might have a harder sell with other cohorts. Find out what a recent University of Michigan poll revealed about intentions to receive the newly formulated boosters as well as annual influenza vaccines.

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