Pharmacist Antibiotic Education Can Help Curb Unnecessary Usage
Lack of knowledge of the potential risks of antibiotic use was associated with increased antibiotic expectations, according to a new study published in the Annals of Family Medicine. The researchers suggest that the answer is for pharmacists and other healthcare professionals to educate patients on what conditions can be successfully treated by antibiotics and the drugs’ downsides. Read more.
Hormonal Contraceptives Linked to BC Risk in BRCA1 Carriers
Women who are germline BRCA1 mutation carriers appear to be at greater risk of breast cancer (BC) from ever having used hormonal contraceptives, especially if the treatment was longer term, according to a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Find out how great the risk is and what should be considered before the drugs are prescribed.
Independent Pharmacists Not Stocking Medicare Drugs Undergoing Price Cuts
Issues over reimbursement might keep many independent pharmacies from stocking the common drugs that are undergoing large price cuts starting in 2026 in the Medicare Part D system, according to a survey. Find out more about the issues facing independent community pharmacies and why they might not be able to afford to continue to participate in Medicare Part D.
Effectively Promoting Successful Deprescribing Using Patient Education
While deprescribing drugs has the potential to reduce low-value medication use, it is not routinely adopted into clinical practice, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine. The researchers tested patient-directed educational strategies and found higher deprescribing rates among the intervention group than controls. Learn more about the results of this study.