May 15, 2019 |
Statins Reduce Risk of Common Type of Glaucoma in Older Adults Statins are highly effective in reducing blood pressure, but a new study suggests another benefit: lowering the risk of primary open-angle glaucoma. Pharmacists can learn why the findings are so important, including how common the condition is among older Americans.
Could Azithromycin Reduce Treatment Failure for Inpatients With COPD? A widely available antibiotic shows promise for reducing treatment failure in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients admitted to the hospital for acute exacerbation. The catch, however, is that azithromycin must be initiated in the hospital and continued for an extended period to have the best results. Here are more details. |
Oral Contraceptives Could Be Protective Against ACL Injuries in Female Athletes Oral contraceptives prevent unwanted pregnancies but also could have another advantage in young female athletes, new research suggests. Find out how much the use of birth control pills reduced the need for reconstructive surgery in older teens who suffered anterior crucial ligament (ACL) injury, according to an observational study. |
Disappointing News: Antihypertensive Doesn’t Slow Parkinson’s Progression The possibility that a blood pressure medication could slow Parkinson’s disease progression has created excitement among researchers over the last several years. Results of a longer trial were disappointing, however, determining that isradipine had no benefit in patients with the progressive neurologic disease. |
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