February 12, 2020

Which Blood-Pressure Medication Is Linked to Lowest Risk of Gout Development?

Gout can be a side effect of hypertension treatment in some patients. But which blood-pressure medications are least likely to lead to the painful condition? Pharmacists will be interested in the results of a new study suggesting that amlodipine might be the best option.


Endometriosis Drug Promising for Reducing
Fibroid-Associated Bleeding

With most women in the United States having uterine fibroids and a third of those having troublesome symptoms, pharmacists field a lot of questions on the issue. Now, a new study says a drug used to treat endometriosis pain appears to reduce fibroid-associated bleeding in women. Here are more details.

New Ulcerative Colitis Treatment Guidelines Promote More Use of Biologics

New guidelines for the treatment of ulcerative colitis move even farther away from traditional therapies such as 5-ASA toward wider—and earlier—use of biologics with or without immunomodulator therapy. The document also emphasizes the importance of patient preferences in treating the inflammatory bowel disease. Here are more details.


Risk of Contrast Media in Reduced Kidney Function
Patients Overstated

Two powerful groups, the American College of Radiology and the National Kidney Foundation, have weighed in on the controversy about use of IV contrast media in patients with reduced kidney function. Find out why the associations believe that the risks might have been overstated in past research and what they believe optimal practices should be.

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