April 1, 2020

Pharmacists Can Help Diabetes Patients Weather Novel Coronavirus Outbreaks

Patients with comorbidities are of special concern during the current COVID-19 pandemic because they are at higher risk of hospitalization and death. Find out what pharmacists can do to make sure those with diabetes, one of the largest cohorts of chronic-disease patients, stay adherent with medications and take precautions against the dangerous infection.


Healthcare Providers Should Be Aware
 of Nonrespiratory Flu Diagnoses

Despite the current war on the novel coronavirus pandemic, seasonal influenza is still around and making thousands sick. A new study cautions that nonrespiratory diagnoses might be under-recognized in seasonal influenza, even though they are present in a substantial number of cases. Here is more information.

Chronic-Disease Patients
on Steroids Should Be Monitored for Hypertension

Pharmacists regularly fill oral-steroid prescriptions for patients with chronic diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis to help keep their symptoms controlled. Find out why recent research is raising concerns about high rates of possibly drug-related hypertension in those patients.


Statins Appear Protective Against Heart Failure 
From Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast cancer patients often face a difficult choice when first diagnosed. Should they use chemotherapy and other drugs that fight the cancer but raise their risk for heart failure? Find out why a new study gives them hope that a common medication can help combat those risks.

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