July 1, 2020

SGLT2 Inhibitors Helped Prevent Diabetes in Heart Failure Patients

In addition to other benefits in type 2 diabetes patients, such as lowering blood glucose levels and cardiovascular disease risks, sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors were shown to help prevent development of the disease in heart failure patients. Find out how researchers came to that conclusion and its significance.


Urge Emergency Care for Acute Conditions, Despite Pandemic

As easily accessible healthcare professionals, pharmacists can play an especially important role in assuring delivery of appropriate care. Public health officials are emphasizing the importance of doing that with the COVID-19 pandemic dangerously reducing the number of patients seeking emergency treatment for heart attacks, strokes and hyperglycemic crises. Here are more details. 

Serum Testosterone Appears to Be Inversely Associated With Asthma

Is there a relationship between serum testosterone levels and current asthma prevalence and lung function? A recent study sought to answer that question. Find out why researchers urge research into androgen therapy for asthma, even though their results were somewhat complex. 


Oral, Inhaled Remdesivir for COVID-19 May Become Available at Some Point

While hospitalization rates can be high—as much as 17.2 per 100,000 population in adults aged 85 and older—the overwhelming majority of COVID-19 patients recover at home. So far, there are no approved outpatient medications to treat the condition. Find out how the manufacturer of the experimental drug remdesivir is seeking to remedy that. 

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